FB-111 airplane model
Item Number: C1044FB-111 airplane model. Nicknamed 'Aardvark' because of its long, slightly upturned nose, the F-111 evolved in response to a joint services requirement in the 1960s for a long range interceptor (US Navy) and deep-strike interdictor (USAF). The F-111 was a multipurpose tactical fighter bomber capable of supersonic speeds. The aircraft was one of the more controversial aircraft ever to fly, yet it achieved one of the safest operational records of any aircraft in USAF history and became a highly effective all-weather interdiction aircraft. The F-111 provided many firsts among weapons systems. It was the first production aircraft with variable swing wings that could be swept back or brought forward to increase efficiency. It also had the first terrain-following radar, allowing it to fly at night at high speeds and low altitudes, as well as the first crew escape module. The aircraft was produced in seven different variants with the first production aircraft delivery in October 1967 and the last delivery in September 1976. F-111's are no longer in the Air Force inventory but were a major part of the fighter force for many years.
Scale: 1/48. Wingspan 8 to 15 inches (wings move), Length 18 1/2 inches.