Canadair Limited CL.215
Item Number: 1227Canadair CL215 airplane model. The Canadair CL-215 was an amphibian designed primarily for firefighting in Canada, although it was also available to military customers for search and rescue and utility roles. For its fire-fighting role the CL-215 can lift 5455 liters (1440 gal.) of water or retardant fluid in two fuselage tanks. The water is scooped from a convenient lake or river through two retractable inlets mounted under the hull, while the CL-215 taxies across the surface. It then takes off and flies to the area of the fire where the load is jettisoned in under a second. The operation repeated until the fire is under control. In most circumstances a load can be dropped at least every 10 minutes. (Of course, a nearby water source is essential.) The CL-215 first flew on October 23, 1967, and when production ceased in April 1990, 125 had been delivered, many to foreign countries.
Mahogany Wood. Scale: 1/60. Wingspan 17 1/2 inches, Length 12 inches.